Chemical Services

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The purpose of the fuel treatment system is three-fold:

  • Cleaning of the fuel oil by removal of water, solids, and suspended matter to protect the engine from excessive wear and corrosion
  • Conditioning of the fuel oil to prepare for best possible properties for injection to the engine and a good combustion
  • To take care of oily sludge streams from separators, self cleaning filters etc., with the task to: reduce the sludge volume which has to be landed or incinerated recover usable fuel oil extract water to be transferred to the bilge water


All fuel properties can be grouped into the following categories:

  1. Fuel properties that are influenced by the fuel cleaning installation and its layout, such as: water, Sodium, abrasive solids, ash content and sediment.
  2. Fuel properties that have an impact on the performance of the fuel cleaning system itself, such as: fuel density, viscosity, stability, and presence of contaminants like used lubricating oil.
  3. Other fuel properties, which are not influenced by the fuel cleaning system, and which do not affect the operation of the fuel cleaning system. are important for engine operation (e.g. Carbon Residue, Vanadium content, Sulphur content, Specific Energy, Ignition Properties), together with other parameters that are important for safety (e.g. Hydrogen Sulphide), compliance with safety regulations (e.g. Flash Point), or for compliance with environmental regulations (e.g. Sulphur, Asphaltenes, Nitrogen).


M-FELOI is specifically engineered to encounter and treat 100% of the above mentioned anomalies.


  1. Disperses and dissolves sludge based hydro-carbons.
  2. Breaks water emulsions resulting in the efficient separation from oil when centrifuged.
  3. Prevents sludge formation and carbonaceous deposits.
  4. Maintains homogenity and stabilization of the fuel, this improves combustion.
  5. Can be used as a degreasing agent when required.
  6. Absolutely soluble in the fuel.
  7. Has anticorrosive properties and is highly stable.
  8. Cost effective, easy to handle and use.


Fuel Oil Treatment is a liquid mixture of solvents, dispersants and emulsifying agents that results in a maximum performance of the treated fuel oil.

  • Appearance / Color :
  • Specific gravity :
  • Flash Point :
  • Odor :