Product Description

M-Feloi is a concentrate for economical treatment of heavy fuel oils and marine diesel fuels. M-Feloi is develops greater diesel engine and boiler combustion efficiency, reducing smoke and soot and reducing fuel consumption. M-Feloi controls the problems of sulphur, vanadium and sodium in fuel oil by inhibiting the formation of molten vanadium compound deposits and neutralising the formulation of sulphur trioxide. M-Feloi promotes greater cleanliness in burner nozzles, fuel storage tanks, circulating lines, feed pumps, and strainer screens.


  • Dissolve existing sludges and prevents formation of new sludge
  • Convert sludge already present to burnable fuel
  • Fuel blend are stabilized and made more homogeneous
  • Prevents corrosion Improves combustion efficiency and fuel economy
  • Reduces particulate emmision
  • Keeps equipment clean including nozzles, injectors, valves, pistons, tanks etc


  • Physical Form –> Dark Brown liquid
  • Solubility in Oil –> Complete
  • pH (1% Solution) –> N/A
  • Specific Gravity (25 deg C) –> 0.80 – 0.85


  • Add to fuel storage tank before refilling. 1 litre of MPG FOA 01 to 5,000 litres of fuel oil. For initial treatment to remove existing sludge, 2 litres MPG FOA 01 to 5,000 litres of fuel is recommended.
  • Our Representative will recommend the proper dosage and application to ensure successful application.


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